YUMA provides a procedure for approving (confirming) the inventory documents that have been created in the system. Depending on the role of employees, they can simplement create documents without their confirmation and processing. For example, you can allow an employee with the role of “storeman” to create inventory acts only. However, only employees with appropriate role (such as administrators or warehouse managers) can approve these documents.
To enable the document approval workflow
- Turn on the system setting «Enable document approval process».
- Create roles that allow employees to approve documents.
- Assign those roles to appropriate employees – for details, see the «Set up a staff member profile» section in How to Add New Employee.
Turning on the «Enable document approval process» Setting
To enable this setting, do the following:
- In the left pane of your Back Office Management console, click Settings and then click System Settings.
- Turn on the Enable document approval process switch button, and then specify types of documents that must be approved:
- Click Update to save your changes.
Creating Roles with Permissions to Approve Docs
To configure the document approval process, it is necessary to configure roles with appropriate permissions . Perform the following steps:
- Create new role (see Roles).
- Open the role property sheet, navigate to the Sections tab, select Inventory, and in the Inventory group enable the following settings:
- Inventory Act Approve
- Apply Inventory Action
- Unapply Inventory Action
- Click Update.
Document Approval Workflow
This section describes YUMA document approval workflow.
When Creating New Act of Inventory Operation
When creating a new inventory act, an employee with permissions to approve documents can either save and approve the document or save and apply the document as shown in the following example:
When Editing Act of Inventory Operation
When editing an unconfirmed document, it is marked “Not Approved”. The employees with the permissions to approve the documents can perform the following operations: approving, updating and approving, or updating and apllying the document as shown in the following example: